
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Journal Eight: National Geographic Photographers

Question: What are the pros and cons of being a photojournalist?

Answer: The pros of being a photojournalist are that you get to travel the world and do what most other people can't. You get to go to big events while they're underway, and have unrestricted access in most cases. You get the photograph the experiences of the world to it's fullest and capture moments that are bewildering to see in real life. You get up close and personal with things some people never get to experience in their lives.

             Meanwhile, the traveling the world could also be a con. You're far from friends and family and they will sometimes not even be able to reach you dependent on where you are. You could be in danger depending on what you're photographing, such as wild animals or dangerous places. War photographers or even photographers just walking the streets of a third-world country are always in danger of being caught in the middle of something they're supposed to be a safe distance from. Running these risks is worth it, though, if you want to have the most amazing experiences of your life.

Question: What skills are needed to be a photojournalist?

Answer: You have to be able to deal with constant action and danger if you're a war photographer or something else along those lines. On the other hand, if you're a wildlife photographer you have to have patience and a steady hand to capture it just at the perfect moment. In a lot of cases, you must be brave if the job you're on is dangerous and you have to be able to adapt to situations quickly. You must take really good care of your equipment, because getting a malfunction an ocean away from home could be a problem.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Journal Seven: Adjusting Aperture

 Original Photo
 + 2 Aperture
- 2 Aperture

Journal Six: Food!

I decided to compare a photo I took of a real Big Mac to a picture of an advertised one. Surprisingly, the burger I photographed didn't look as bad as they usually do in contrast to the advertised product.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Journal Five: Pinhole Camera

                                                                         Original - Exposed for 10 seconds.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Journal One: My Culture

 I have always been a very avid gamer, and have spent many years of my life hibernating in my basement with a controller and a can of Dr. Pepper.
 I have a ton of little figurines of dragons, warriors, and many other things in my room, further enhancing my nerdiness while giving me that allure of having close up pictures of dragon figurines that no one else has..
 Music has been a huge part of my life. I was raised on metal music, and I'm pretty sure I'll die with metal music. I conveniently hang my headphones over my doorknob like this all the time.
 The forbidden four-letter word is all over my profiles and such, and I always call it by that name. Something about me and the word "love" is kind of mysterious, even to me. Is that deep?
Again, music, and the performance of it is a favourite of mine. Light and soundboards are just tools to make the performance as great as can be. This lightboard in particular is in the drama room in the school.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Motionless in White Members by Marc Nader

Being a vocalist has always been one of the most amazing things I do. So to see a picture capture the pure emotion behind Chris Motionless (who I also must say was my inspiration to start doing what I do) is pure awesome. The way the light focuses on his fingers and the microphone, causing a shadow from his hat to dance across his face but nowhere else is a fantastic element in the photo. I know that when this picture was taken, the music was loud, the crowd was flying and the ground was shaking; All adding up to being able to feel the energy in this photo.